Coassemble’s customization capabilities allow you to change your workspace to match your organization's brand. Let’s look at the ‘Customize’ page to learn more about what you can customize in your Coassemble workspace.
Accessing the customize page
To access the customize page, click the settings icon from the bottom of the sidebar menu in your workspace, and choose the 'Customize' option.
Once you are on the Customize page, you'll notice that is broken up into a number of sections/tabs. These sections include:
Certificate design
Enrollment email
Custom domain
Custom email
Feedback popups
What can you customize in Coassemble?
Listed below are descriptions for each setting available in each section of the Customize page:
Your workspace name is the name of the workspace that your users will log into. Generally, we recommend that you use your organization’s name as it will be displayed throughout the Coassemble system.
Your Hostname will be displayed in the URL that you log into and send to your learners to access your workspace.
You can customize your Coassemble site title to represent your organization and the content in your workspace.
You can add your organization’s logo and background color to the header that is displayed in your workspace.
The SmartColor™ scheme section is where you should add a 'theme' color based on your company brand. The Coassemble platform will use complimentary tones based on this color.
You can also change the course sidebar. This sidebar is what your learners will see when they take a course.
Certificate design
This section allows you to design a default certificate design to be used globally across all of your courses. Note that you can override this default on an individual course if you choose to. Find out more about designing your certificate here.
Enrollment emails
From this section, you can customize the enrollment emails that get sent when:
They are enrolled into a course by a trainer
When they Self-enrol via an Enrollment link or Catalog
When they are invited to a Catalog
Workspace administrators can set these messages globally from the workspace settings page.
Custom domain and Custom email
To make your workspace more recognizable and consistent with your brand, set up a custom domain so that your users are directed to a domain you own instead of being directed to
To make emails to learners and trainers more recognizable and consistent with your brand, set up a custom email so that email notifications are sent from a domain you own instead of
You can create a custom workspace banner that includes your organization’s logo, brand color, and mantra.
Coassemble comes pre-loaded with a range of fun feedback pop-ups! We’ve designed the platform in a way that allows you to create your own custom feedback pop-ups.
You can add a custom feedback message along with an image, logo, slogan, or animated GIF of your choice for the feedback pop-up.