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Coassemble + IMIS
Bridie avatar
Written by Bridie
Updated over 10 months ago

Coassemble has extended its OAuth2 integration to work with the IMIS Engagement Management System (EMS). This means that you can use your IMIS portal as an identity provider to automatically provision Coassemble learner accounts and course enrollments.

Used in conjunction with Coassembles' Enrollment Link functionality, you can create a catalogue of courses inside your IMIS platform that allows for seamless self-enrollment into one or many courses at a time.

Step 1: Configuring OAuth 2 authentication

In order to automatically provision learner accounts and generate enrollments, you must first configure the OAuth 2 integration inside your Coassemble workspace.

From your Coassemble dashboard go to; Settings > Integrations > Advanced integrations > OAuth 2.0 Authentication.

Check out the Integrating with OAuth2 article for more details.

Once you’ve configured OAuth, we recommend setting your OAuth integration to enforce users to sign in with OAuth. This provides an extra layer of securing, ensuring only your IMIS users can access your courses.

If a user manages to access an enrollment link outside of the IMIS platform, they will be forced to authenticate using their IMIS credentials. All other options will be hidden.

Step 2: Creating Enrollment Links

What are enrollment links?

An enrollment link is a unique URL created for a course, or a group containing a number of courses, that can be added to the IMIS platform to allow IMIS members to self enroll into the courses that interest them.

If an IMIS member has not accessed Coassemble before, clicking an enrollment link will automatically provision them a Coassemble user account, and take them directly to the course without having to login.

If an IMIS member has previously enrolled into a course, and chooses to enroll into a second course via the IMIS platform, they will automatically be enrolled into the second course, and taken directly to the course without having to login.

Creating a course enrollment link

To create an enrollment link, simply select the share menu from the course you want to share:

From the share menu, click the ‘Copy’ button from the ‘Share with a link’ panel.

Once you’ve got this link, you can add it anywhere on the IMIS platform allowing members to self-enroll into the courses they choose, without having to login to Coassemble. Course enrollment links take users directly to the course start screen.

Creating a group enrollment link

Group Enrollment links allow you to share a single link that will automatically enroll the recipient into multiple courses.

To create a group enrollment link, go to the Users page > groups tab.

Create a new group, or select an existing group.

Note: You will not be able to create an enrollment link for a group unless it is enrolled into at least one course.

Once you’ve selected the group, click the ‘Enrollment links’ button to reveal the configuration modal. From here, simply copy the link as you did when creating a course enrollment link.

As with course enrollment links, group enrollment links can be added anywhere in the IMIS platform. The main advantage of group enrollment links is that you can bundle courses together. Clicking a group enrollment link will automatically enroll the IMIS member into every course the group is enrolled into. Group enrollment links take members directly to the learner dashboard, containing all of the courses they have been enrolled in.

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