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Setting Up Your Workspace

Learn how to customize and configure your workspace to suit your organization's needs.

Creating Courses

This section will explore how courses are structured, the available screen options, and how to get the best out of Coassemble's course creation tools.

Configuring Courses

Learn how to configure and manage your Courses.

Users: Trainers & Learners

Learn how to manage trainers and learners in your workspace.

Sharing Courses & Enrolling Learners

Learn the various ways you can share courses and enroll learners into courses.

Issuing Certificates

Learn how to issue and customize certificates for your learners.

Reports & Analyzing Results

Measuring your learners’ performance and grading assignments.

Privacy & Security

Find Coassembles’ Privacy policy, TOC, and security & general technical information.


FAQs and Tips from the Coassemble Customer Success team to get you up and running fast!

Integrations, API, & SSO

Learn how to integrate third-party platforms with your Coassemble workspace.

Plans & Billing

Info on plans or pricing works or what add-ons we offer to grow your team. This section covers what you’ll need to know about your subscription.

Contacting Coassemble

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