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How do I grade assignments?
Bridie avatar
Written by Bridie
Updated over 10 months ago

If you are a Trainer, then you will have the ability to grade assignments for learners.

Grading Assignments

To grade an assignment, click the grade button from the sidebar menu in your workspace.

When you get to the grading screen you'll notice there are two tabs that you can use to search for assignments to grade.

Assignments tab

The assignments tab allows you to search for assignments to grade by listing all of the assignments by title.

You can sort assignments by:

  • Title

  • Commenced

  • Completed

  • To grade

Submissions tab

The submissions tab displays a list of all the learners who have submitted Assignments, in the order, they were submitted.

You can sort submissions by:

  • Ungraded submissions

  • Submission date

  • Assignment title

  • Learner name

The grade screen

The grade screen allows course facilitators to grade multiple responses to the same question from one screen, and/or multiple assignments from the same group.

As an assignment can belong to a number of courses and groups, and the selectors across allow you to choose what course and from what group you want to mark.

By default, the 'Ungraded' selector is chosen to show only the learners who have not yet been graded.

After you've selected the course and group you want to grade, you can select the learners you'd like to grade first. You can select all learners, a few, or just one.

You can also choose to grade a single question or multiple questions at once. Just check the checkboxes next to each question you would like to mark.

To mark the question, go to the far right panel to review the learner's responses.

Depending on your grading scheme, you can either mark the learner as competent or give them a grade mark. You can also provide feedback for the student on each individual question. The feedback and grades will automatically save after changes have occurred.

It does not display this mark to the learners until you've clicked the Publish button. This allows you to mark multiple learners at once, and adjust your marks if required before making them public.

In addition to providing learners with feedback per question, you can also upload an overall feedback document.

Click the Publish button when you're happy with the grades you've given. The grades will now be available for your learner to review.

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